Monday, March 2, 2009


this is a test post

Saturday, December 20, 2008

This is How I BLOG

Just showing my little sister how to blog. Pretty much a pointless post.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wreck This Journal

I've been playing with this book recently, Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith. Every page of the book tells you to do something destructive to it, such as burning a page, using a page as a napkin to document your dinner, drawing circles all over one page, dragging the journal on the ground, cracking the spine of the journal, pouring coffee over a page, and many other fun activities. You can look at this book in many different ways, like being an activity book or even an art form. Personally, I consider it fun art!

Here is a small image gallery of some people wrecking their journal.

Hero Builder

So, I haven't posted in a while, BUT I found the greatest thing ever! A Hero Builder. Yes, make your own super hero! Here is my super hero, Ender:

(Click picture to enlarge)

You can pretty much customize everything. You don't have to make just super heroes either, you can also make regular looking people, monsters, fantasy people, and soldiers. Its a lot of fun, I'd like to see what other people can make too.

Here is the HeroMachine
They have lost of other builders back on the main page, but they aren't really as fun.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Death of Polaroid

Ugh, sadly I just read an article about how the Polaroid film is going to be discontinued - FOREVER! While I knew this was coming, due to digital cameras and pictures, I am still very sad to see it go. I have fond memories of this unique kind of film and camera. My father is a photographer and I can distinctly remember taking portraits and pictures on vacations using Polaroids. A few months ago I even bought a Polaroid camera at doesn't work, but its a good example of how much they mean to me.

I mean, really, Polaroid pictures can be among the most artistic pictures around. That white boarder is just so memorable. Nothing looks more cool than a wall or cork board covered in original Polaroids. This really is a sad time.

Here is the article : Fans bid farewell to Polaroid film

Winter Break

So I made it to Winter Break without much trouble! All my finals are done and I have no more school for another month! I'm not so sure what I'm going to do with myself now. I need money, so I may pick up a job for a few weeks just as seasonal help, or I may do some studies for the University and hope I get paid well for being a guinea pig. Other than that, I think I'm just going to play a lot of video games and hang out with friends a bunch. I know I'm going to my Aunt's house for Christmas for a week, but otherwise I'm just going to chill!


Anyone like Star Wars? Well, I found a video someone did of the majority of Episode IV: A New Hope made entirely out of ASCII art.
Here are a few screen shots.
Opening Credits

Rebel Cruiser vs. Imperial Star Destroyer
R2D2 and C3PO
Jawa Captures R2D2
Tusken Raider with Luke and C3PO
Death Star
Here is the link to the video.

It is pretty long, so just be warned.